A poet, multi-disciplinary artist, post-conceptual writer/a text-based artist and educator
Date of Birth: January 19,1962
Real Name: U Maung Maung Thein
Pen Name: Nyein Way/ျ င ိ ဏ ္ း ေ ၀ (it is not spelt like ျ င ိ မ ္ း ေ ၀ ;) (There can have another poet with the name Nyein Wai or nyein way: be careful! ! ! ! ! !
Education: B.A.(English) , Post-graduate Diploma in English Language Teaching, Cambridge Certicate in ELT(CEELT Level 2)
(1) An anthology of poems within 20 years named'Words and Tree' in 2005
(2) An educational book'Classroomology' in 1999
(3) Video art: Isolated Sports in 2005 shown in poetry workshop and poetry reading programme in 2005 in Yangon
(4) A Poetics Book 'Conceptual Poetics and A Contemporary poet'
in August,2009.
(5) YouTube - IG2BA (Unilateral Culture Exchange) - DAN KWONG & NYEIN WAY
2 min 13 sec - 24 Apr 2009
Dance excerpt from 'IT'S GREAT 2B AMERICAN', performed Nov. '08, LA Theater Center. Text by Burmese poet Nyein Way. Camera - Mark...
www.youtube.com/watch? v=TC-4nv0xwBA - Related videos
(6) GA GA NA NA-a post-conceptual and text-based artwork
is published in october,2010.
About my poems: All my poems are about the bridges alternative realities are wired.When the basic humanities are fragmented in any situations, realities are multifaceted beings and poetry is made through life as bridges for peace, humanity and intellectual growth
I never write poems under the category 'Politics'.
Inspirations: Gertrude Stein, Beckett, John Cage, Jackson Mac Low, Zukofsky, Alan Gingberg, Frank O'hara, Charles Bernstein, Kenneth Goldsmith, ancient asian poets and poetics, Zen Buddists'practice and conceptualization process, any cartoons and animated characters and children literature and everyday life of ordinary people
helped British poet Ruth Padel to make meeting with Myanmar poets and translated some of her favourite poems from different countries when she visted Myanmar in 2002
gave poetry workshops both inside and outside the country(Myanmar) -American Centre, Alliance Francaise, art centers, international schools and Gitemeit music centre participated in the Mekong project artists-in-residency programme in Phenom Penh, Cambodia in Nov,2004, together with artists from Mekong region
made collaborative performances with artists from USA, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Vietnam, Finland, Hongkong
made NIGHT, MOON, DANCE performance with international artists based on his Trilogy poem'night, moon dance'
a contributor of an article about Myanmar theatre for the Encyclopedia of Asian Theatre published by Greenwood Publishing House, NYC which have got the best reference book award by the American Library Association in 2008.
One of his poems was published in the 'THE' literary magazine, Santa Fe, New Mexico, the United Stated of America in July,2008.Make poetry reading events in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA and Malibu, Los Angeles, California, USA in June,2008.
One of his poems he wrote during his one-month long stay in 18th street arts center, Santamonica, Los Angeles, California was used in multi-media artist Dan Kwong's Performance 'It's great 2B an American' in June,2008 at highway performance center at 18th street arts center.
Read poetry with performance, collaborating with dancers, singers and musicians from New York, Beijing, Thailand and Germany in the multimedia performance sponsored by Asian Cultural Council at Gitameit Music center, Yangon in December,2008.Made poetry reading with performance at International Performance Festival'BEYOND PRESSURE'together with international artists from Canada, Malaysia, Korea and Vietnam and read a paper on 'Artists Communities in Myanmar' in December,2008.
He read poetry at the most famous theatre troupe in Myanmar'Shwe Man Chan Tha theatre troupe at Independence Day Festival in the football field of Hlaing Township, Yangon, collaborating with the performance 'Philosophy Tree' by New York-based Thai Dancer'Khun Pichet, artist Myat Kyawt and Shwe Man Chan Tha Chantha on January 3,2009.
One of his poem'Light's Shadow' is placed in the new music programme by artistic director and composer William Jason Raynovich with Featuring Composers: Boustead, Carter, Oehlers, Raynovich, Sierra, Pulizer Prize winner of music Steven Stucky, Villa-Lobos on Sunday, May 17th,7: 00pm
at Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art
2320 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, USA.where his Clarinet Sonata will receive its Chicago premiere.
Having read the poem 'Clay Revolution' together with musians; Kit Young (USA) , Dephanie(Germany) and performance artists; Myat Kyawt & Daw Htay Htay at 'Tribute to singer Htoo Ein Thin'at Gitameit music center, Yangon Myanmar on August 14,2009.Read the poem'Next Window To Puppet City' at NEXT WINDOW art exbition held at Lawkanat Art Gallery, Yangon on August 28,2009.
Read POetry with performance'VICTORY' on September 25,2009 at 'Natural &environmental art exibition' at Lokanat art gallery, Yangon, Myanmar.
Make a performance piece'Back To Dream' at New Zero Art Space, Yangon on Oct 28,2009.
Make poetry reading and improvising poetry as a narrator in multi-disciplinary performance of the story 'FOUR PUPPETS' at 'Master Class in Asian Puppetry', collaborating with puppeteers, musicians, directors from USA, Thailand, Myanmar and Germany at Empty Space Chiangmai(ESC) in Chiangmai, Thailand, Bangkok Culture and Art Centre in Bangkok on Jan 15, Jan 16 and Jan 20,2010.
Make performance art'CIRCUITS' with collage poetry and improvosational text by Nyein Way, Matin Heidegger(being and time) , Craige Dworking(Strand) and Caroline Bergvall, on February 7,2010 at Lokanat Gallery, Yangon.
Show text-based artwork 'MAHAJANAKA-CIRCUIT PAGE TWO' and read the translation poem of Arthur Sze's Before Completion(1989) jsjustaposed with Artist Chan Aye's Art work Untitled Light boxes at 'Crossing Borders' Myanmar Contemporary art movement at lokanat gallery, Yangon from Aug 30 to September 3,2010.