Judith Kerman (born 05 October)For me, poetry is at least partly a visual and musical art form. Or at least, it comes out of those parts of my mind. Making art is more important to me than poetry in particular, but poetry is my first and oldest art, and my central identity. (I'm also a musician, photographer, plastic artist, and computer artist). I'm intrigued by the pieces that "come easily" out of a weird part of my head, but more in love with the things I have to work hard for. For several years, I have been composing songscapes for performance with my poems.
I have published eight books or chapbooks of poetry, most recently Galvanic Response (March Street Press, 2005) and the bilingual collection, Plane Surfaces/Plano de Incidencia ( Santo Domingo: CCLEH, 2002). I have also published two books of translations of Spanish poetry, A Woman in Her Garden: Selected Poems of Dulce María Loynaz (Cuban; Cervantes Prize laureate, 1992 - White Pine Press in 2002) and Praises and Offenses: Three Women Poets from the Dominican Republic (BOA Editions, 2009). I was a Fulbright Senior Scholar to the Dominican Republic in 2002, translating the poetry and fiction of contemporary Dominican women; I made a video about Dominican Carnaval during a second visit in 2004.
I have published eight books or chapbooks of poetry, most recently Galvanic Response (March Street Press, 2005) and the bilingual collection, Plane Surfaces/Plano de Incidencia ( Santo Domingo: CCLEH, 2002). I have also published two books of translations of Spanish poetry, A Woman in Her Garden: Selected Poems of Dulce María Loynaz (Cuban; Cervantes Prize laureate, 1992 - White Pine Press in 2002) and Praises and Offenses: Three Women Poets from the Dominican Republic (BOA Editions, 2009). I was a Fulbright Senior Scholar to the Dominican Republic in 2002, translating the poetry and fiction of contemporary Dominican women; I made a video about Dominican Carnaval during a second visit in 2004.
Publications and Prizes
Praises & Offenses: Three Women Poets from the Dominican Republic (BOA Editions Limited, 2009), Galvanic Response (March Street Press, 2005), A Woman in Her Garden: Selected Poems of Dulce Maria Loynaz (White Pine Press, 2002), Plane Surfaces/Plano de Incidencia (Mayapple Press, 2002), Three Marbles (Cranberry Tree Press, 1999), Mothering & Dream of Rain (Ridgeway Press, 1997), Driving for Yellow Cab (Tout Press, 1985), Mothering (Uroboros/Allegheny Mtn Press, 1978)Journals:
32 Poems, Calyx, Driftwood, Salt Hill Journal, The MacGuffinPrizes:
Abbie M. Kopps Poetry Prize; Honorable Mention, Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writers Award.