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Bob Denard Biography (French mercenary) 1929–2007

Gilbert Bourgeaud is Full Name: French mercenary (born April 7, 1929, Bordeaux, France—died Oct. 13, 2007, Paris, France) participated in approximately 20 coups (or attempted coups) and civil wars across postcolonial Africa in Angola, Benin, Congo, Gabon, Nigeria, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and Zaire, as well as in Iran and Yemen. Between 1975 and 1995 he took part in several coups in the Comoros, where he was believed to have been the real power behind Pres. Ahmed Abdallah from 1978 until the latter was killed in 1989. Prior to becoming a freelance soldier of fortune in the early 1960s, Denard served in both the French navy and the colonial police. He was twice (1993 and 2006) convicted in a French court, but in both cases he received a suspended sentence.

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